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Enrollment Policies 

Please read the following and acknowledge it on your families enrollment application.

Parent/Center Agreement


AUTHORIZATION TO ASSESS: I understand that my child(ren) will be assessed throughout the year to ensure the proper development of age-appropriate skills.

TUITION and MODIFICATIONS CONDITIONS:  I understand that rates are subject to change with reasonable notice as conditions require.                     

PAYMENT OF TUITION: I understand that tuition is due and payable, on the Friday prior to the week of attendance and no later than Monday at 10:00 am the week of service. Appropriate alternate Tuition Fees must be paid during school breaks.

LATE OR UNPAID TUITION: If payment in full is not received when due, I agree to pay a late payment fee of $25.00 per week that tuition is not received. All late fees are subject to change with reasonable notice. The school follows state-specific required time frames on tuition and modifications notices. I understand that if my account is delinquent for more than one week, I may be asked to withdraw my child(ren) until my account is made current. The school cannot guarantee a child(ren)’s spot will be held when a child(ren) is withdrawn due to non-payment of tuition. Any unpaid tuition fees may be sent to a third-party collection agency.

AGENCY REIMBURSEMENT(4C): I understand that I am solely responsible for any tuition payment and late fees more than any agency or third-party reimbursement in accordance with the applicable contract. I also understand that I am solely responsible for promptly communicating any changes in my status that would affect my agency reimbursement, and that I am solely responsible for payment of any tuition in excess of any agency or third-party reimbursement resulting from my failure to promptly communicate status changes. If I fail to properly enter or swipe attendance for any day my child(ren) is in attendance, I understand that I am solely responsible for the payment of tuition.

CHARGES AND PROCEDURE FOR LATE PICK-UP: My school is open from 5 am to 12 am Monday through Saturday day all year, except for holidays. I understand that if I fail to pick up my child(ren) by the agreed-upon time, I will be charged a late fee of $25.00 for every 30 minutes until the child(ren) is picked up.

ADDITIONAL FEES: School-age camp will be open during the summer months and scheduled school breaks according to the local public school calendar. Summer Camp children and children attending during scheduled school breaks may pay a separate Activity Fee for attendance. All other age groups may be subject to Activity Fees as well. In instances of agency reimbursement, Activity Fees may be my responsibility.

DAILY SIGN-IN AND SIGN-OUT: I agree to sign my child(ren) in and out every day using the school’s attendance procedure. If I neglect to do so, I may be charged a maximum fee of $5.00 per missed sign-in or sign-out. I understand that my child(ren) is not permitted to sign him/herself out. I understand that I am required to enter the school to drop off and pick up my child(ren).

ILLNESS: I understand that I will be notified should my child(ren) become ill during the day, and that I will pick up my child(ren) promptly or plan for an authorized emergency contact person to pick up upon such notification. If my child(ren) is exposed to or contracts a contagious disease, I agree to notify the school and I understand that my child(ren) will be re-admitted according to the Re-admission Criteria in the Family Handbook.

MODEL RELEASE: The company, its agents, affiliates, and licensees, may use photographs, reproductions, images, or sound recordings of my child(ren) for advertising, publicity, or any other lawful purpose.

PHOTOGRAPHS, VIDEOS, AND AUDIO TAPES: I understand and agree that, in consideration for being allowed to photograph, videotape, or audio record my child(ren) on company property, I shall only use such recording for lawful and private home use, and will not publish, publicly display or sell such recordings. I also understand that I must have written permission before capturing any image of the other children or staff in the school.

WITHDRAWAL FROM PROGRAM: I understand that I must provide a two (2) week written notice of withdrawal from the program. If this notification is not provided, I agree to pay all tuition and fees for two (2) weeks, whether my child(ren) attends. I understand that when my child(ren) is withdrawn, s/he will only be eligible for re-admission based upon space availability and all other enrollment criteria. If my child(ren) is selected for re-enrollment, I will be required to complete an entire new Enrollment Agreement at the current rate and pay a new non-refundable Registration Fee at the current rate. If there is an outstanding balance (including tuition or fees) when my child(ren) was withdrawn, I will be required to bring my account current prior to completing a re-enrollment application. I understand all fees (Tuition, Registration, or Activity) are non-refundable. 

HOLIDAYS: I understand that the school is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Week, And one day per year for in-service training. I agree that I will not receive a refund, credit, or any other allowance for holidays. If a holiday falls on a weekend, it will be observed on either the preceding Friday or the following Monday.

ABSENCES/VACATIONS: I agree to inform the school immediately if my child(ren) will be absent on any day. I understand that no allowances, credits, refunds, or make-up days shall be made for occasional absences (i.e. sickness). A reservation fee of 50% off my regular week’s tuition will be due for each absence of one full school week (Monday through Friday) with advance notice to the Director, if possible. I agree to pay the reservation to guarantee my child(ren)’s space when my child(ren) is not in attendance for an entire school week (Monday through Friday). My regularly contracted tuition is due for all weeks when my child(ren) attends any part of the week. There is no credit given for single days. I also understand that if I withdraw my child(ren) during a vacation, I will be required to pay a new non-refundable registration fee upon return.

EMERGENCY CLOSING AND INCLEMENT WEATHER INFORMATION: I understand that it is the company’s intention to be open and provide child(ren) care service every weekday of the year, excluding holidays, but that inclement weather, natural/national disaster or major building issue may disrupt service from time to time. I will contact the school to ensure that it is open during inclement weather/natural disasters. I agree that if the school is closed for an extended period, I will continue to be responsible for my tuition payments for up to three business days. CTION 4: STATE LICENSING

DISCIPLINE/EXPULSION: I have received a copy of the Parent Handbook. I have read and understood its contents including the discipline and expulsion policies and agree to be bound by the same.

RIGHT TO REVIEW: I am aware that I have the right to review my child’s file upon request.

• Sections 7.1 and 7.2, of the Child Care Facility Handbook, require a current physical examination (Form 3040) and immunization record (Form 680 or 681) within 30 days of enrollment.

• Section 7.3, of the Child Care Facility Handbook, requires that parents receive a copy of the Child Care Facility Brochure, "Know Your Child Care Facility” (CF/PI 175-24).

• Section 2.8, of the Child Care Facility Handbook, requires that parents are notified in writing of the disciplinary and expulsion policies used by the child care facility.

Your acknowledgment on the enrollment application indicates that you have received the above items and that the information on this enrollment form is complete and accurate. I hereby grant permission for the staff of this facility to have access to my child’s records. We do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These policies have been reviewed with me by the school management. I understand and will comply with the policies included in the Enrollment Agreement and Parent Handbook. The policies in this contract will supersede all other previous documents.

Nutrition Policy


 As a commitment to your child’s health we follow these feeding guidelines:

  • Meals Meet USDA ~ CACFP Guidelines Meals and snacks served to children meet the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal pattern requirements, which are available upon request.

  • Variety of Food ~ Reduced Fat Milk We serve a variety of healthy foods with an emphasis on plenty of whole-grain bread and cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, and protein from both animal and vegetable sources. We serve reduced-fat milk (1%) after age 2 years.

  • High Nutrient Value Foods~ We serve foods of high nutrient value. We limit high fat, high sugar foods that are low in nutrient value, to help children, learn to enjoy healthy foods. Fruit juice will not be served more than once a day and in child-size portions. Children always have access to drinking water.

  • Frequent Meals and Snacks ~ Children need many chances during the day to eat to ensure that their small tummies do not get too hungry. Meals and snacks are offered to children at least every 2-3 hours.

  • Iron Fortified Formula ~ Breast milk in accordance with the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations, infants are fed expressed breast milk or an iron-fortified formula for the entire first year. When the infant is developmentally ready, and with your approval, solids will be introduced. Infants are always fed on demand and held for a bottle

  • Hand washing ~ Hands are always washed before all meals and snacks.

  • Pleasant Mealtime Environment We strive to make our mealtime environment pleasant. We believe that sitting and eating with children provides an opportunity for positive role modeling and social interaction. 

  • Children Gain Confidence in Eating ~ Appropriate furniture, utensils and dishes will be used at mealtimes. Children will gain confidence in eating as they learn to eat successfully on their own.

  • Nutritious Foods and Snacks We strive to make meals and snacks as nutritious as possible. We ask that you help support these policies by leaving all sweets at home unless special arrangements have been made in advance. We will be happy to share newsletters and other nutrition-related information with you.

  • Please note that foods prepared at the center may contain food allergens such as milk, eggs, nuts, and fish. If your child has an allergy, please be sure it was noted on your application and discuss food options with the director.




  • The school may plan carefully arranged, supervised special trips for the children away from the school that does not require bus transportation. You will be notified in advance of all trips.

  • Occasionally we need to take our own children to activities that they are involved in, or we may wish to take your child on a field trip and will need to transport your child(ren) by moving vehicle. All children under 40 lbs. or 4 years will be placed in a safety-approved car seat which will be provided by a parent/legal guardian. All other children will always be required to wear a seat belt. We carry a notebook with copies of all Emergency Medical Information, as well as pictures of each child(ren) in our care. In the event of an emergency away from the childcare facility, your child(ren) will be cared for and you will be notified as soon as possible. I give the school the permission to transport my child(ren) for the purposes of field trips that require bus transportation and/or transportation to/from his/her local school


Expulsion Policy


Unfortunately, in extreme circumstances, we may have to expel a child from our program either on a short-term or permanent basis. We want you to know that we will do everything possible to work with the family of the child(ren) to prevent this policy from being enforced. The following are reasons we may have to expel or suspend a child from this center:


Immediate Causes for Expulsion

• The child is at risk of causing serious injury to other children or him/herself.

• Parent threatens physical or intimidating actions towards staff members.

• Parents exhibit verbal abuse to staff in front of enrolled children.


Parental Actions for Child’s Expulsion

• Failure to pay/habitual lateness in payments

• Failure to complete required forms including the child’s immunization records.

• Habitual tardiness when picking up your child. Verbal abuse to staff.


Child’s Actions for Expulsion

• Failure of the child to adjust after a reasonable amount of time.

• Uncontrollable tantrums/angry outbursts.

• Ongoing physical or verbal abuse to staff or other children.

• Excessive biting.


Prior to expulsion, a parent will be called, and correspondence will be sent home indicating what the problem is, and every effort will be made by both the center and the parent to correct the problem. If, after one or two weeks, depending on the risk to other children’s welfare or safety, behavior does not improve, and the center finds that they can no longer accommodate the child, the parent will be asked to remove him/her. The parent will be given a minimum of one week’s notice to find another center to provide care for this child.

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